Conversational Ordering
This is Sola Fide, a brand new site by Gina that's just getting started. Things will be up and running here shortly, but you can subscribe in the meantime if you'd like to stay up to date and receive emails when new content is published!
Theory **variable(변수); ** number, 'text'(or "", text has to be surrounded by '' or "")->string, True/False a=2 b=2 a_string = "like this" a-number = 3 a_float = 3.12 a_boolean = False a_none = None print() function(
Goal : Use input value to get weather Goal : Use input value to get weather 1. Migrate fetch call into the submit callback 2. Use the search text as the address query staring value 3. Submit the form with a valid and invalid calue to test const weatherForm = document.querySelector('
What is javascript? Javascript is only programing language, ES5, ES6 ; ECMA scripts